  • 회사소개
  • 브랜드소개
  • 기기소개
  • 창업/렌탈 문의
  • 행사/소식
  • {"google":["PT Serif","Barlow"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}
    섹션 설정
  • 회사소개
  • 브랜드소개
  • 기기소개
  • 창업/렌탈 문의
  • 행사/소식
  • GlamShot (K-photo Studio)

    Glamshot adopts a complete unmanned remote operation system
    Glamshot provides an exciting non face to face entertainment
    Glamshot targets the GEN Z (10s to 20s) as the primary customers
    Glamshot is an attractive space with cultural touch where various generations share a sense of community

    Advantages of self photo studios

    Glamshot studio products



    General Expenses


    Recommended to be located in a downtown area that is accessible and visible to women in their 10s to 20s.


    Brand Fee

    None (Other brands charge 5~8%)

    Interior Design(Signage)

    Approximately $10,000


    Machine Price

    $11,000~$13,000 per 1 Machine



    Props for the customers after the interior construction (Headbands, glasses, wigs, hats, etc)

    Software Fee

    Software updates and remote support

    None (Other brands charge extra fee)

    Customer Status

    Master Franchise

    In accordance with the pace and expansion of the local business, preparations for localization are underway, including
    designating a local partner company and considering the transfer of technology through a master franchise agreement, as
    well as the possibility of local production of equipment.

    Reference ( Barcelona Proof of Concept)

    {"google":["PT Serif","Barlow","Knewave"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}{"google":["PT Serif","Barlow","Knewave"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR","Nanum Barun Gothic"]}
    {"google":["Knewave"],"custom":["Noto Sans KR"]}